How do I access object files created after a compile


I have a build script that looks something like this:

        sources {
            c {
                source {
                    lib library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    lib project: ":some_project", library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    srcDirs "a_source_dir"
                    include "*.c"
        sources {
            c {
                source {
                    lib library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    lib project: ":some_project", library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    srcDirs "a_source_dir"
                    include "*.c"
        sources {
            c {
                source {
                    lib library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    lib project: ":some_project", library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    srcDirs "a_source_dir"
                    include "*.c"
        sources {
            c {
                source {
                    lib library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    lib project: ":some_project", library: "some_lib", linkage: 'api'
                    srcDirs "a_source_dir"
                    include "*.c"
        }Usually there are some compiler.args & linker.args here. Even after this I need to execute additional linking.
tasks.linkanExecutableIGenerate {
			doLast {
				ext {

					ObjectFolder = Paths.get(workspace_path.getAbsolutePath(), "someFolder").getAbsolutePath()
					//Object paths used in linking
					objectOutputPath = project.buildDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/objs/"
					componentObjectOutputPath = project.buildDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/objs/componentObject/"
					//Find dependencies for componentObject.o
					txtFiles = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames(cLibCObjectFolder, '**/lib_crc.o' /* includes */)
					libCrcObjectFile = txtFiles.first().toString().replace("\\","/")
					//Find dependencies for auxiliaryAirflow.o
					txtFiles = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames(ObjectFolder , '**/dependency.o' /*       includes */)
					ObjectFile = txtFiles.first().toString().replace("\\","/")
				//generate a .o
				exec {
					commandLine ld,	"-some_flag",
					"-o", objectOutputPath + "cLib.o"
				//generate another.o	
				exec {
					commandLine ld,	"-X", "-r",
					finder.getFileNames(ObjectFolder, '**/someDependency.o').first(), 
					finder.getFileNames(ObjectFolder, '**/someDependency.o').first(), 
					finder.getFileNames(ObjectFolder, '**/someDependency.o').first(), 
					finder.getFileNames(ObjectFolder, '**/someDependency.o').first(), 
					"-o", objectOutputPath + "theObjectFile.o"
  1. Is there a property, spec, function that I can use to access the object file built when I create a library or executable? So that I can perhaps copy the files into another folder?

2)Finding the object files requires steps like finder.getFileNames(ObjectFolder, ‘**/someDependency.o’).first(), is there a better way of doing this? Can I pass a collection to the command line as arguments?

Best Regards,