How can I customize the pom of the Plugin Marker Artifacts

I guess my-pluginPluginMarkerMaven is not the correct name

It is something: <id-of-the-plugin>PluginMarkerMaven where <id-of-the-plugin> depends of your plugin.

How is your plugin declared? in Marc Philipp’s example it is hello:

gradlePlugin {
    plugins {
        hello {
            id = "${group}.hello"
            implementationClass = "de.marcphilipp.gradle.example.HelloPlugin"
            displayName = "Hello plugin"
            description = "Plugin that can say hello"

I am not sure dash - are allowed. I can’t change hello to my-plugin:

gradlePlugin {
    plugins {
        my-plugin {
            id = "${group}.hello"
            implementationClass = "de.marcphilipp.gradle.example.HelloPlugin"
            displayName = "Hello plugin"
            description = "Plugin that can say hello"

Even without the publications section, I get this error:

A problem occurred configuring root project 'plugin-maven-publish'.
> Missing id for my