I would like to have a “test” task that checks if particular subprojects with Java code build against the Android API and runs the unit tests with the android.jar. Right now I have a smack-android subproject which build.gradle defines only the required dependencies, the subproject itself contains no code:
description = """\
Smack for Android.
All the required dependencies to run smack on Android"""
ext {
androidProjects = ['smack-tcp','smack-core', 'smack-resolver-minidns', 'smack-sasl-provided', 'smack-extensions', 'smack-experimental']
// Note that the test dependencies (junit, …) are inferred from the
// sourceSet.test of the core subproject
dependencies {
androidProjects.each { name ->
compile project(":$name")
jar {
enabled = false
// TODO Add task buildWithAndroidTest which checks that $androidProjects builds
// with Android Runtime Jar as bootclasspath and runs the unit tests with android.jar
def getAndroidRuntimeJar() {
new File("/opt/android-sdk-update-manager/platforms/android-8/android.jar")
So I need to define a task that force builds $androidProjects with the Android Runtime jar and runs the unit tests with android.jar as bootclasspath. How can I create such an task and make smack-android :test depend on it, so that it’s called when I run the test target of smack-android?
The relevant feature branch can be found at https://github.com/Flowdalic/Smack/tree/sasl