Headless TestFX occasionally fails

I have a few tests with TestFX that occasionally fails.

It is allways the same TestFX tests that fails.
A RuntimeException of either

It is always the same tests that fails.
Firstly it was only one test that occasionally failed. The more TestFX tests I created then others also began to fail. Always the same, but not all every time.

Test > someTest() FAILED
Caused by: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

DifferentTest > someTest() FAILED
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

AnotherTest > someTest() FAILED
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException

Two TestFX tests I had in two test classes used to occasionally fail, but not too often.

Then recently I added one new TestFX test. Then several other different TestFX test failed, This time now always the same and on every build. I can disable this test class, and it then goes back to occasionally fail on two-three TestFX tests. I find this very strange, I cannot find anything wrong with my tests, they worked before I added this other totally non-related test class.

This latest test I have added that causes other tests to fail, is a class that takes in a result and then displays an Alert.
testResultError Displays an Alert
testResultTimeout Displays an Alert
testResultSuccess Does not display an Alert

Does anyone have any idea what I should check for? What could be wrong in my tests or in my code? Running my application works just fine, and does not get any errors for the components of those tests that are now failing.

I am using Monocle with TestFX and JUnit 5 to run headless on Jenkins. While building on my own computer it works fine and I almost never get these test errors. Though I have gotten them, but extremely rarely.

testCompile group: 'org.testfx', name: 'testfx-core', version : '4.0.13-alpha'
testCompile group: 'org.testfx', name: 'testfx-junit5', version : '4.0.13-alpha'
testCompile group: 'org.testfx', name: 'openjfx-monocle', version: '8u76-b04'

I annotate my tests with:


Most of my onStart methods contain very little to almost nothing:

public void onStart(Stage stage) {

This is from one test of my custom control which fails every time now, that previously ran just fine.

public void onStart(Stage stage) {
    contactList = new ContactList(createContacts());

    StackPane root = new StackPane();

    Scene scene = new Scene(root, 600, 300);
    Path path = Paths.get("src/main/resources/com/company/application/fx/light.css");
    scene.getStylesheets().add("file://" + path.toAbsolutePath().toString());


It is very strange that just adding one or more TestFX test classes that some other TestFX tests would fail.

This is the first one that failed. Failed only occasionally. It is small so I can include it here.
A StageHelper to create a new Stage with our company logo icons.

public class StageHelper {

     * Get a new {@link Stage} with the Company Logos.
     * @return new Stage window
    public static Stage newStage() {
        final Stage stage = new Stage();
        return stage;

     * Get a new {@link Stage} with the Company Logos and a given {@link Scene}.
     * @return new Stage window
    public static Stage newStage(final Scene scene) {
        final Stage stage = new Stage();
        return stage;

     * Set the {@link Stage} window with the Company Logos.
     * @param stage the stage window
    public static void setStageIcons(Stage stage) {

     * Prepare the {@link Stage} to show with center on screen, request focus and to front.
     * @param stage the stage window
    public static void setPrepareShow(Stage stage) {


This is its test class with TestFX

public class StageHelperTest {

    private Stage stage;

    public void onStart(Stage stage) {
        final StackPane root = new StackPane();
        final Scene scene = new Scene(root, 200, 200);

        stage = StageHelper.newStage(scene);
        this.stage = stage;


    public void succeedNewStage() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        Task<Stage> task = new Task<Stage>() {

            private Stage stage;

            protected Stage call() throws Exception {
                Platform.runLater(() -> {
                    stage = StageHelper.newStage();
                return stage;

            protected void succeeded() {
                stage = StageHelper.newStage();


        final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

    public void stageHasIcons(FxRobot robot) {
        ObservableList<Image> images = stage.getIcons();
        Assertions.assertArrayEquals(ImageLocator.obj().getLogoIconList().toArray(), images.toArray());

    public void failNewStage() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        final Executable closureContainingCodeToTest = () -> {

        assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, closureContainingCodeToTest);


There was one test here that always failed when this test class failed and that was failNewStage.

com.company.application.utils.StageHelperTest > failNewStage() FAILED
        Caused by: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

Running on the command line on the server manually it almost never fails. But on my Jenkins CI now it Always fails on the same three tests. If I disable my latest test (which does not fail), then these three tests goes through fine.

gradle --no-daemon --refresh-dependencies clean build -Pheadless

test {

    if (project.hasProperty('headless')) {
        systemProperty 'java.awt.headless', 'true'
        systemProperty 'testfx.robot', 'glass'
        systemProperty 'testfx.headless', 'true'
        systemProperty 'prism.order', 'sw'
        systemProperty 'prism.text', 't2k'
        systemProperty 'testfx.setup.timeout', '8500'