Getting compiled war from subproject in dependencies of main project (not files, generated result)

Hello, this is follow-up for question about war overlays. I finally found time to wrestle with it and found something that should work… of course it doesn’t. I have two projects (well, prototypes): bookman-common and bookman-front-web. Both are WARed, but bookman-common.war is intended to be intermediate war that is underlayed for bookman-front-web.war. Below are builds:

build.gradle for bookman-common:

apply plugin: 'war'
  group = 'org.mader.bookman'
version = '0.0.9'
  description = 'BookMan: Common data and code.'
  // ... dependencies and other

build.gradle for bookman-front-web:

apply plugin: 'war'
  group = 'org.mader.bookman'
version = '0.0.9'
  description = 'BookMan: frontend project - webpage.'
  configurations { warUnderlay }
  dependencies {
  // our projects, to ensure proper order
  compile project(':bookman-common')
  warUnderlay 'org.mader.bookman:bookman-common:0.0.9@war'
    // ... blah blah whatever other dependencies
  war << {
  // unpack underlays
  configurations.warUnderlay.each { ant.unwar src: it, dest: temporaryDir }
  // now unwar current project, overwritting anything in underlays
   ant.unwar src: archivePath, dest: temporaryDir
  // recreate war, now with underlay
  ant.war basedir: temporaryDir, destFile: archivePath

In settings.gradle are both projects: ‘bookman-common’, ‘bookman-front-web’. There is main gradle build file used to run everything. Trying to run from main gradle builder file results in this:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
  * Where:
Build file 'D:\devel\workspace\testland\bookman-front-web\build.gradle' line: 46
  * What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':bookman-front-web:war'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':bookman-front-web:warUnderlay'.
   > Could not find org.mader.bookman:bookman-common:0.0.9.
     Required by:

It is like it taunts me. :frowning:

I suspect line

warUnderlay 'org.mader.bookman:bookman-common:0.0.9@war'

is incorrect, but I have no other idea to how to get generated war from bookman-common subproject. Using

warUnderlay project(':bookman-common')

ends horribly (tons of files lands in bookman-front-web.war in all wrong places, and to add insult to injury some files from bookman-common aren’t present anyway). This is because it gets jars and libraries, not generated war.

Another try:

warUnderlay project(':bookman-common@war')

Just Don’t Work ™.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
  * Where:
Build file 'D:\devel\workspace\testland\bookman-front-web\build.gradle' line: 18
  * What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':bookman-front-web'.
> Project with path ':bookman-common@war' could not be found in project ':bookman-front-web'.

So… it is possible at all? How?

It needs to be a project dependency, not an external dependency. To get the war rather than the jar, you’ll have to expose it via a configuration:


configurations {
  artifacts {
  thewar tasks.war


dependencies {
    warUnderlay project(path: ':bookman-common', configuration: 'thewar')

PS: Don’t name the configuration ‘war’, as this appears to run into some name conflict.

Wow, it actually worked. Thank you very much!

Hi, I tried the above and looks like root projects war.doLast is getting called before subprojects war file created. Hence I am getting .war file not found error. Please help.