Excluding generated source from javadoc

No. It will only make sure that groups work correctly. If it’s guaranteed by some other means that all subprojects that you iterate over have already been evaluated, then you are safe. Didn’t you say exclusions work by now?

So then bottom line, what is it I need to do in order to get that exclusion to actually work?

We are still using milestones 2 and 3 btw because we cannot upgrade ATM due to gradle API changes that effect multiple of our plugins. Just mentioning it for completeness.

Oh you said groups work.

Right, groups have always worked. The exclusion does not

I’m not aware of any issues with exclusions, so I can’t say. They definitely work for us and other projects. You could have a look at the bug tracker. Maybe something was fixed since m2/m3 that I’m not aware of.

By the way, I fixed the tags/taglet stuff today. Will be included in the next release after m7.

I get that it works for y’all. But I am not using the “standard Javadoc set up”.

The closest I have come is to manually attempt the exclusion. So:

source sourceSet.java


sourceSet.java.srcDirs.each { File sourceDirectory ->
                        if ( ! sourceDirectory.absolutePath.contains( "generated-src") ) {
                            System.out.println( "Adding source directory : " + sourceDirectory.absolutePath );
                            source sourceDirectory

I added the println there to see what the heck is going on. And I actually get what I want/expect!

However, with this set up, I get errors like:

javadoc: error - Illegal package name: "/home/steve/projects/hibernate/4.0/hibernate-core/hibernate-core/src/main/java/org/hibernate/package.html"

I have to assume there is a problem in how I am calling SourceTask#source here. Any hints?

Awesome! Thanks.

Try (in the loop): source fileTree(sourceDirectory)

Same error :frowning: