Eclipse Buildship: Getting JUnit 5 running in Eclipse

Hey @DJViking.

I presume you’ve already found an answer since you first asked your original question eight months ago. But while I was searching for something else, I happened to stumble across this old post of yours. It looked like a good real-world functional test to exercise an upcoming release of my mrJar plugin.

My ultimate goal in this exercise was pretty much exactly what your title says. I wanted to test out how mrJar handles running a JUnit 5 test — and a JavaFX application — from a Gradle project imported into Eclipse…

Looking at the build.gradle in your post, that project has the JUnit 5 modules declared in its dependencies{} block. Buildship will automatically do what’s necessary regarding those dependencies. For those reasons, I skipped your original steps where you added the JUnit 5 library. I don’t think that step is neccessary if the ultimate goal is mainly to run a test in the IDE.

Also, Buildship gives me a bunch of prebuilt Run Configurations. It presents them in a neat collection in the form of the Gradle Tasks view. It even gives me the Ctrl + Alt, X, G hotkey combo to run whichever test’s currently in the editor. So for that reason, I don’t go through the trouble of an extra user-created run configuration. Aside from the built-in Gradle Tasks being simpler and more convenient anyway, an extra run configuration would be redundant — in my opinion.

I’m hoping you can share the solution you eventually settled on. TIA :+1: