Disabling stderr generated by MavenDeployer

Is there a way to disable stderr being written by the uploadArchives tasks? I’m unclear whether it’s Gradle that’s writing the “Uploading” traces into the stderr. See below:

Gradle version: 1.XX

apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
        maven { url "http://artifactory.xxx.com/artifactory/xxx-ci" }
dependencies {
    testCompile "junit:junit:4.11"
    compile "org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.13"
uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            repository(url: "http://artifactory.xxx.com/artifactory/xxx-ci/")

If you run the below command:

$ ./gradlew --quiet uploadArchives
Uploading: com/xxx/releng/ci/pipeline/pipeline-yaml-parser/0.0.3/pipeline-yaml-parser-0.0.3.jar to repository remote at http://artifactory.xxx.com/artifactory/xxx-ci/
Transferring 13K from remote
Uploaded 13K
$ ./gradlew --quiet uploadArchives 2>/tmp/stderr
$ cat /tmp/stderr
 Uploading: com/xxx/releng/ci/pipeline/pipeline-yaml-parser/0.0.3/pipeline-yaml-parser-0.0.3.jar to repository remote at http://artifactory.xxx.com/artifactory/xxx-ci/
Transferring 13K from remote
Uploaded 13K

Uploading: com/xxx/releng/ci/pipeline/pipeline-yaml-parser/0.0.3/pipeline-yaml-parser-0.0.3.jar to repository remote at http://artifactory.xxx.com/artifactory/xxx-ci/ Transferring 13K from remote Uploaded 13K

Shouldn’t be a warning/error I guess so



It’s being directly printed to System.err by the underlying Maven libs. I’ve raised to GRADLE-3175 to somehow capture this and route it through our logging.

Thanks Luke