Can't control configuration order of two plugins

Having trouble applying your strategy due to the untarring issue. Can’t get my workaround of using Exec to do the untarring to work in your scenario, because the I can’t properly handle the fact that one of the command-line parameters to tar cannot be known until the configuration task has been configured.

The Exec task seems to have some special requirements of its own:

  • If I configure the Exec from the configure task’s doLast{} Gradle complains that the Exec command line is null.
  • If I configure the Exec normally, the task doesn’t know about the input file yet, which is one of the tar parameters…
  • If I try to split this up, defining the config’s command line normally but adding the last argument from the configuration task, I get an error telling me about an unexpected end of file. Evidently the args is not getting processed in the proper sequence.

I still like your idea, but it looks like this bug and the finickiness of the Exec command are preventing me from doing it.