[1.4-rc-1] gradle dependencies results in endless loop stating authentication error

Does your resolution succeed, despite these repeated warnings?

Gradle 1.3: yes, the resolution succeeds Gradle 1.5: no, it just keeps saying _NEGOTIATE authentication error: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism

level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt))_ in what appears to be an infinite loop. It stops after 8 minutes with this error message:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
  * What went wrong:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
> Could not resolve org.gradle.api.plugins:gradle-cargo-plugin:0.5.7.
  Required by:
   > Could not HEAD 'http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/gradle/api/plugins/gradle-cargo-plugin/0.5.7/gradle-cargo-plugin-
      > Connection reset

Here is a debug output: Gist

I wouldn’t call it an ‘infinite loop’ if it terminates after 8 minutes :). The warning messages about “NEGOTIATE authentication” are emitted by HttpClient and are not the actual cause of your problem.

To help diagnose the actual problem we’ll need to see the ‘–debug’ output including the part that report the attempt to access ‘‘http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/gradle/api/plugins/gradle-cargo-plugin/0.5.7/gradle-cargo-plugin- 0.5.7.pom’’.

In the above post, at the end I posted a gist that contains the --debug output.

Have you found something? Do you need more information? I really, really want to move to 1.5 with our project :slight_smile: