Gradle does not report missing/failed artifact downloads


We still experience issue related to the artifacts relocation, when the artifacts are the part of the transitive dependencies, quite similar to this:

We have oracle artifacts relocated within the same repository from one groupID to another (see pom example below).

During dependency resolution Gradle downloads the poms from the old location:

Download http://artifactory/development/oracle/ojdbc7/12.1.1/ojdbc7-12.1.1.pom
Download http://artifactory/development/oracle/orai18n/12.1.1/orai18n-12.1.1.pom
Download http://artifactory/development/oracle/ucp/12.1.1/ucp-12.1.1.pom

But silently doesn’t pick up the jars from a new location at all, without any notification.

And as far as it’s a transitive dependencies even compilation goes through smoothly.

But tests are failed due to the missing oracle classes.

Is this behaviour intentional?

Example of pom file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""

For experiment, I’ve added to my project ojdbc7 as direct dependency with correct GAV

And result of the command dependencyInsight shows that Gradle doesn’t correctly resolve them. I have 2 dependencies with different groupId.

\--- compile
+--- pm-core:3.1.2
  +--- compile
  \--- pm-module-test-environment:1.0.1-20140320-175130
       \--- compile

The issue you are referring to is related to relocation to a different version. In your case, you are relocating to a different group, which should work in theory, or provide a warning if not.

Can you please raise a separate forum ticket for this problem?

Hello, I’ve already done it, but haven’t got a reply yet.